Page 10 - CORDIS

Oncology & Cancer

Improving cancer diagnosis and treatment monitoring

There is nothing very glamorous about cancer, but now a new EU-funded project – GLAM – aims to help make monitoring and diagnosis a bit less intrusive and unpleasant.


Towards enhanced regenerative medicine to cure epilepsy

At the border between regenerative medicine and neural engineering lies enhanced regenerative medicine. Using brain tissue modulated by electronic components, EU research has tackled the most common form of epilepsy.


Could we train our brains to see new colors?

For birders struggling to differentiate between male and female blue tits, the answer lies here. The crest of the male actually appears as ultraviolet (UV) to other tits, a distinction invisible to us humans.


The role of beta cell regeneration in type 2 diabetes

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared type 2 diabetes as the epidemic of the 21st century. A study is focusing on understanding the mechanisms underlying insulin resistance and the role of beta-cell regeneration.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Rapid COVID-19 test granted EU approval

Even as coronavirus testing is ramping up across the world, the issue of speed and accuracy in diagnosis still poses a challenge for public health authorities. A research group supported by the EU-funded HG nCoV19 test project ...


DNA detectives track down nerve disorder cause

Better diagnosis and treatment of a crippling inherited nerve disorder may be just around the corner thanks to an international team that spanned Asia, Europe and the United States. The team had been hunting DNA strands for ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

A new hope for treating severe pneumonia

A biotech company involved in the PNEUMONP project – and responsible for the development of the antimicrobial peptide M33 – recently confirmed that the molecule at the heart of the project was now robust enough for industrial ...

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