Page 3 - Duke University Medical Center

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists block breast cancer cells from hiding in bones

Scientists at the Duke Cancer Institute have identified a molecular key that breast cancer cells use to invade bone marrow in mice, where they may be protected from chemotherapy or hormonal therapies that could otherwise ...

Oncology & Cancer

Poliovirus therapy induces immune responses against cancer

An investigational therapy using modified poliovirus to attack cancer tumors appears to unleash the body's own capacity to fight malignancies by activating an inflammation process that counter's the ability of cancer cells ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Scientists find key reason why loss of smell occurs in long COVID-19

The reason some people fail to recover their sense of smell after COVID-19 is linked to an ongoing immune assault on olfactory nerve cells and an associated decline in the number of those cells, a team of scientists led by ...

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