Page 14 - Duke University

Medical research

Discovery of I-shaped antibody opens new avenue to HIV vaccine

About 38 million people worldwide are living with AIDS. Pharmaceutical treatments can keep the disease in check, but a vaccine remains elusive despite decades of concerted effort. However, a recent discovery at the Duke Human ...

Biomedical technology

Mapping complex variability onto intricate virtual models

Anybody who has ever seen a picture of a brain knows that it's not a simple smooth oval; it's more like a tangle of fat worms. But when researchers seek to predict and understand its physical and electrical behavior, they ...

Biomedical technology

Organ-on-a-chip: Better health care through superior drug testing

More than 90% of pharmaceuticals fail in clinical trials, despite the fact that by the time a drug is ready to be tested in humans, it's typically already been studied in Petri dishes and animal models for years. That represents ...

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