Page 3 - Duke University

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Probiotics reduce COVID symptoms and delay disease among unvaccinated

Probiotics, specifically lactobacillus, demonstrated significant ability to delay a COVID infection and reduce symptoms among a group of unvaccinated people who had been in contact with someone in their household diagnosed ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

New evidence suggests link between gut health and Parkinson's disease

While previous studies suggest Parkinson's disease begins in the gut and spreads to the brain, how the process occurs has been elusive. Now, a pre-clinical study led by Duke Health researchers provides new evidence that bolsters ...

Biomedical technology

Sound waves harden 3D-printed treatments in deep tissues

Engineers at Duke University and Harvard Medical School have developed a bio-compatible ink that solidifies into different 3D shapes and structures by absorbing ultrasound waves. Because it responds to sound waves rather ...

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