Page 6 - Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne

Medical research

Acids help against airborne viruses, finds interdisciplinary study

A new study by various Swiss universities, including EPFL, shows that aerosols in indoor air can vary in acidity. This acidity determines how long viruses such as influenza and SARS-CoV-2 remain infectious in the air—with ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Ceramides found to be key in aging muscle health

During aging, mice, like humans, become inactive and lose muscle mass and strength. A team of scientists led by Johan Auwerx at EPFL have now discovered that when mice age, their muscles become packed with ceramides. Ceramides, ...

Oncology & Cancer

The protein behind immunotherapy resistance

Immunotherapy is a cutting-edge approach to treating cancer by turning the patient's own immune system against their tumor. Our increasing knowledge of the mechanisms by which the body regulates immune responses has been ...


A new device for early diagnosis of degenerative eye disorders

Researchers at an EPFL lab have developed an ophthalmological device that can be used to diagnose some degenerative eye disorders long before the onset of the first symptoms. In early clinical trials, the prototype was shown ...

Medical research

Stressed mitochondria help cells survive respiratory infections

Many respiratory infections, such as influenza or COVID-19 add significant stress to cells and organs, which can lead to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which itself can eventually cause death in aged or sensitive ...

Oncology & Cancer

Genetic discovery could improve treatment of colorectal cancer

EPFL scientists have discovered a rare gene in the tumors of some colorectal cancer patients. This finding could lead to more accurate diagnoses and, eventually, personalized treatments that target the protein expressed by ...


Protein 'traffic jam' in neurons linked to neurodegeneration

Neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease are associated with atypical proteins that form tangles in the brain, killing neurons. Neurobiologists at EPFL have now identified some key mechanisms ...

Medical research

Brain stimulation improves motor skill learning at older age

Even though we don't think about it, every movement we make in our daily life essentially consists of a sequence of smaller actions in a specific order. The only time we realize this is when we have to learn a new motor skill, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Breakthrough study of hormone 'cross-talk' in breast cancer

Scientists led by EPFL have successfully engrafted breast cancer cells on mice, allowing them to study in vivo the cross-talk between the estrogen and progesterone receptors that hampers hormone therapies. Their findings ...

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