Page 3 - European Molecular Biology Laboratory

Oncology & Cancer

Global microbial signatures for colorectal cancer established

Cancers have long been known to arise due to environmental exposures such as unhealthy diet or smoking. Lately, the microbes living in and on our body have entered the stage as key players: while stomach cancer can be caused ...


Large-scale study enables new insights into rare eye disorders

Researchers have analyzed image and genomic data from the UK Biobank to find insights into rare diseases of the human eye. These include retinal dystrophies—a group of inherited disorders affecting the retina—which are ...

Oncology & Cancer

Genome sequencing accelerates cancer detection

Oesophageal cancer is the eighth most common cancer worldwide. It often develops from a condition called Barrett's oesophagus. Existing monitoring and treatment methods are very intrusive, and many patients have to undergo ...


A new piece of the HIV infection puzzle explored

Scientists at EMBL Heidelberg and at the Zentrum für Infektiologie at Heidelberg University Hospital have succeeded for the first time in imaging HIV during transport into the nucleus of an infected cell. The electron tomographic ...

Medical research

Researchers use single-cell sequencing to understand how cells age

Researchers from the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), University of Cambridge, the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and the Cancer Research UK-Cambridge Institute (CRUK-CI) have shed light on a long-standing debate ...

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