Page 6 - Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft

Radiology & Imaging

Improved biopsies with MRI-compatible ultrasound system

Biopsies are standard procedures in interventional radiology, not least for patients with a suspected tumor. In this instance, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is increasingly the method of choice for guiding minimally invasive ...


A gentler technique for artificial respiration

In intensive care wards, artificial respiration is often used as a last resort to save a patient's life. Unfortunately, however, it brings with it the risk of acute or chronic lung damage, particularly if the ventilator is ...


Preventive health care via app

Demand for apps for preventive health care is growing all the time. Particularly popular are diagnostic assistants that record physiological and fitness data. However, there are data protection concerns with these tools. ...


Better treatment for diabetic foot ulcers

People with type 2 diabetes often suffer from poorly-healing infected wounds on their feet. Using existing methods, however, it takes two days to grow a bacterial culture used to identify the pathogens infecting the wound ...


Better treatment for diabetic foot ulcers

People with type 2 diabetes often suffer from poorly-healing infected wounds on their feet. Using existing methods, however, it takes two days to grow a bacterial culture used to identify the pathogens infecting the wound ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Ultrasound sensor aids diagnosis of middle-ear infection

A new type of ultrasound transducer from Fraunhofer should soon be delivering a fast and reliable diagnosis of infection of the middle ear. A U.S. company and the Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems IPMS are collaborating ...


A health check based on epigenetics

Chemical reactions and molecular modifications change the genome of each and every human over the course of their lifetime. These modifications can result in disease, but they also provide a basis for determining a person's ...


Resuscitation mat simplifies cardiac massage

Every year, some 10,000 people in Germany die from cardiac arrest, even though they could have been saved. In fact, only 15 percent of Germans say they would trust themselves to administer cardiac massage in an emergency ...

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