Page 13 - Health Behavior News Service

Overweight & Obesity

More education, not income, fights obesity

Educational status may protect women living in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas against obesity, finds a new study in the American Journal of Health Promotion.


Kids get more exercise in smart growth neighborhoods

Children who live in "smart growth" neighborhoods—developments that are designed to increase walkability and have more parks and green space areas—get 46 percent more moderate or vigorous physical activity than kids who ...


Exercising with others helps college students reduce stress

College students who exercised vigorously for 20 minutes at least three days a week were less likely to report poor mental health and perceived stress, according to a study in the American Journal of Health Promotion. However, ...


Restricting food and fluids during labor is unwarranted

Despite the longstanding, widespread practice of restricting women's food and fluid intake during labor, a large-scale analysis in The Cochrane Library finds no need for these restrictions and supports women eating and drinking ...


Bedwetting treatments offer help

Bedwetting affects up to 20 percent of five year olds—the age when most children have learned bladder control—and can result in an array of stressful and embarrassing social, emotional and psychological problems.


High lifetime costs for type 2 diabetes

A person with type 2 diabetes may spend an average of nearly $85,500 to treat the disease and its complications over his or her lifetime, reports a new study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. The earlier diabetes ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer survivors not receiving preventive care

While cancer survivors require follow-up care to prevent a recurrence of their cancer and to watch for after effects of treatment, they also need the same preventive check-ups suggested for all people.


Significant others can influence extreme dieting

Women who are frequently encouraged by their significant others to lose weight are more likely to resort to unhealthy measures to do so, according to new research in the American Journal of Health Promotion.


Obesity is a major obstacle for disabled americans

Obesity and its related health problems impacts far more people with a disability than previously reported, according to new research in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

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