Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Hebrew University of Jerusalem was established in 1918 and opened in 1925 as a public university. Today, the university has a student body of more than 22,000 undergraduate, graduate and professional degree students. Albert Einstein was on the board of governors and bequeathed his papers, works and their copyright to Hebrew University. Hebrew University has four campuses, three in Jerusalem and one in Rehovot. Hebrew University has degrees in all major areas and offers degrees in medicine and law. Most notable departments include genetic research, physics, stem cell research and pediatric medicine Hebrew University is respected world-wide for its academic and research offerings.

The Hebrew University, Mt. Scopus Jerusalem 91905 Israel

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Peptide cocktails show promise in combating antibiotic resistance

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Psychology & Psychiatry

Beyond algorithms: The role of human empathy in AI-enhanced therapy

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Psychology & Psychiatry

Unlocking the secrets of adaptive parental speech

A study by researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Edinburgh has revealed how parents naturally adapt their speech patterns to match the language proficiency of their children.

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