Page 5 - Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Oncology & Cancer

Genetic variants, tobacco exposure and lung cancer risk

There is an association between the rs1051730-rs16969968 genotype and objective measures of tobacco exposure, which indicates that lung cancer risk is largely, if not entirely, mediated by level of tobacco exposure, according ...

Oncology & Cancer

Supplements and cancer prevention: A cautionary tale

Government regulators and the scientific community should work to ensure that they give clear guidance to the public about dietary supplements and cancer risk, according to a commentary published April 25 in the Journal of ...

Oncology & Cancer

Margin threshold for women with ductal carcinoma in situ

Negative surgical margins should be attained for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) patients after breast-conserving surgery (BCS) regardless of radiotherapy, and surgeons should attempt to reach wide negative margins in their ...

Oncology & Cancer

Menopausal hormone therapy and breast cancer risk

In the past decade, results from large prospective cohort studies and the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) randomized placebo-controlled hormone therapy trials have substantially changed thoughts about how estrogen alone and ...


Smoking depicted in movies influences younger adolescents

Younger adolescents exposed to movies that depict smoking are at greater risk of smoking than older adolescents, according to a study published March 14 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

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