Kiel University

The University of Kiel (German Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, CAU) is a university in the city of Kiel, Germany. It was founded in 1665 as the Academia Holsatorum Chiloniensis by Christian Albert, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp and has approximately 23,000 students today. The University of Kiel is the largest, oldest, and most prestigious in the state of Schleswig-Holstein. The University of Kiel was founded under the name Christiana Albertina on 5 October 1665 by Christian Albert, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp. The citizens of the city of Kiel were initially quite sceptical about the upcoming influx of students, thinking that these could be "quite a pest with their gluttony, heavy drinking and their questionable character" (German: mit Fressen, Sauffen und allerley leichtfertigem Wesen sehr ärgerlich seyn). But those in the city who envisioned economic advantages of a university in the city won, and Kiel thus became the northernmost university in the Holy Roman Empire.

Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel, Germany, Germany

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New antibody harbors great potential for fighting blood cancer

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common cancer in children. This form of blood cancer, which also occurs in adults, is caused by malignantly degenerated precursor cells of certain white blood cells (B-cell precursors ...