Page 8 - KU Leuven

Psychology & Psychiatry

Depression too often reduced to a checklist of symptoms

How can you tell if someone is depressed? The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) - the 'bible' of psychiatry - diagnoses depression when patients tick off a certain number of symptoms on the DSM checklist. ...


Blood and teeth samples accurately predict a criminal's age

Forensic biomedical scientists from KU Leuven, Belgium, have developed a test to predict individuals' age on the basis of blood or teeth samples. This test may be particularly useful for the police, as it can help track down ...


Brain plasticity after vision loss has an 'on-off switch'

KU Leuven biologists have discovered a molecular on-off switch that controls how a mouse brain responds to vision loss. When the switch is on, the loss of sight in one eye will be compensated by the other eye, but also by ...

Oncology & Cancer

Genetic modification aids cancer drug discovery

Genetically modifying cancer cells can aid in clarifying new cancer drugs' mechanism of action, according to a new study by researchers at KU Leuven's Laboratory of Virology and Chemotherapy (Rega Institute).

Psychology & Psychiatry

Losing a spouse often too hastily linked to depression

A new study by researchers at KU Leuven, in Belgium, has found that loneliness brought about by the death of a spouse can trigger a wider network of depression-like symptoms - but that doctors are often too quick to attribute ...


An aggressive form of HIV uncovered in Cuba

Engaging in unprotected sex with multiple partners increases the risk of contracting multiple strains of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Once inside a host, these strains can recombine into a new variant of the virus. One ...


Unexpected turn in diabetes research

Years of diabetes research carried out on mice whose DNA had been altered with a human growth hormone gene is now ripe for reinterpretation after a new study by researchers at KU Leuven confirms that the gene had an unintended ...


E-cigarettes significantly reduce tobacco cravings

Electronic cigarettes offer smokers a realistic way to kick their tobacco smoking addiction. In a new study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, scientists at KU Leuven report ...

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