Kyushu University

Kyushu University (九州大学, Kyūshū Daigaku), abbreviated to Kyudai (九大, Kyūdai), is a Japanese national university located in Fukuoka, on the island of Kyushu.


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Charting super-colorful brain wiring using an AI's super-human eye

The brain is the most complex organ ever created. Its functions are supported by a network of tens of billions of densely packed neurons, with trillions of connections exchanging information and performing calculations. Trying ...


Research on the visual rabbit illusion takes a leap forward

Researchers from Kyushu University have uncovered new variations to a traditional illusion, based on how we perceive the motion of flashing lights. Published on May 21 in i-Perception, the findings show that when three light ...

Oncology & Cancer

New insights into how tumors on adrenal glands develop

Researchers from Kyushu University's Faculty of Medical Sciences report on new insights into the mechanisms of how adrenal gland tumors are formed. The team identified a new type of tumor cell population that they termed ...