Page 11 - Lancaster University


Brain aging may begin earlier than expected

Physicists have devised a new method of investigating brain function, opening a new frontier in the diagnoses of neurodegenerative and ageing related diseases.


One in four ER staff abused by patients

The first-ever review of the experience of hospital A&E staff reveals that they have resigned themselves to patient violence and aggression.


Why so many doctors in the UK are at risk of burnout

More than a thousand GPs have sought professional help from the NHS GP Health Service since it was set up in 2017, with most cases involving stress, anxiety and depression and about 2% addiction.


Warning follows report into online child sexual abuse risk

If the public are serious about wanting to protect children from online sexual abuse more investment in skilled professionals is needed now.The stark warning comes from researchers following publication of a new report commissioned ...


Insight into how infants learn to walk

Ten-week-old babies can learn from practising walking months before they begin walking themselves say researchers. They gave the infants experience at "reflex walking" which is a primitive instinct in babies which disappears ...


New study 'reimagines infertility'

New research from Lancaster University has identified the 'invisible infertile', a group of marginalized people missing from survey data sources because they do not fit neatly into popular notions of who is at risk of infertility.

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