Page 12 - Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich


Promoting cardiac self-healing after heart attack

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) researchers led by Oliver Söhnlein have shown that a protein which stimulates the resolution of inflammatory reactions enhances cardiac repair following heart attack in both mice and ...


Atherosclerosis: Induced cell death destabilizes plaques

Many chronic disorders arise from misdirected immune responses. A Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) team led by Oliver Söhnlein now shows that neutrophils exacerbate atherosclerosis by inducing smooth muscle-cell death ...


Primed for memory formation

A new study carried out in a collaboration between researchers from LMU and UC San Diego suggests that new sensory experiences are encoded in pre-existing patterns of neuronal activity, which are recalled, modulated and enhanced ...


Perilous ruptures described in a multiple sclerosis model

The permanent neurological deficits of multiple sclerosis patients largely depend on the extent of degeneration of long nerve fibers. The latter is initiated by ruptures in the cell membrane and the resulting influx of calcium ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Immune cell defect stimulates Alzheimer's

Defects in the gene TREM2 are linked to increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. The gene is required to activate immune cells called microglia in the brain, which help to eliminate the neurotoxic deposits that are typical ...


The farm-milk effect on trial

Erika von Mutius studies the impact of environmental factors in early childhood on allergy and asthma risk. She is now planning a large-scale trial of the beneficial role of unprocessed milk, which will involve thousands ...

Oncology & Cancer

Fatal brake failures: Tumorigenesis in the colon

Two genes normally work together to suppress the development of colon cancer. Their combined loss favors tumorigenesis and stimulates the formation of metastases.


Space travel alters the brain: study

Spending long periods in space not only leads to muscle atrophy and reductions in bone density, it also has lasting effects on the brain. However, little is known about how different tissues of the brain react to microgravity ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

In touch with reality?

When faced with ambiguous information we apparently trust our fingertips more than our eyes. Philosophers at LMU are investigating the special status of touch.


Two for the price of one

Mononuclear phagocytes can both promote and inhibit inflammation. An LMU team has now shown that individual phagocytes in the central nervous system can play both roles, sequentially adopting different phenotypes with distinct ...

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