Page 9 - Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary


Common antibiotic may combat dry eye disease

Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is the leading cause of dry eye disease, which affects tens of millions of Americans. However, there is no FDA-approved treatment for MGD. Researchers from the Schepens Eye Research Institute/Massachusetts ...

Medical research

Motion sickness drug worsens motion perception

A new study led by Massachusetts Eye and Ear researchers found that oral promethazine, a drug commonly taken to alleviate motion sickness, temporarily worsened vestibular perception thresholds by 31 percent, lowering one's ...

Oncology & Cancer

Salicylates, a class of NSAIDs, stop vestibular schwannomas growth

Researchers from Massachusetts Eye and Ear and the Harvard Medical School/ Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Program in Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology have demonstrated that salicylates, a class of non-steroidal ...

Oncology & Cancer

Invasive cells in head and neck tumors predict cancer spread

Head and neck tumors that contain cells undergoing a partial epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition—which transforms them from neatly organized blocks into irregular structures that extrude into the surrounding environment—are ...

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