Page 31 - Max Planck Society

Psychology & Psychiatry

Word order predicts a native speakers' working memory

Several studies have investigated how humans store and retrieve memories under different conditions. Typically, stimuli presented at the beginning and at the end of a list are recalled better than stimuli from the middle. ...


Going for an MRI scan with tattoos?

Tattoos are increasingly popular. Every eighth person in Germany has already felt the sting of a tattoo needle. Yet, examining tattooed people via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) could possibly be risky. The first prospective ...


Scientists find genes with large effects on head and brain size

Children's heads expand steadily to accommodate their growing brains, and doctors routinely measure head circumference during the first years of life to assess healthy brain development. Children from around the world follow ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Synaptic protein regulates anxiety behaviour

Anxiety disorders are severe mental disorders in which patients suffer from intense fears and anxiety or from sudden, inexplicable panic attacks. In extreme cases, the affected individuals barely leave their homes, which ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Trends in hospital deaths reported

In many countries, the proportion of people dying in hospital has been decreasing for years. Until now, this was thought to apply to all age groups. A new study now draws attention to disturbing exceptions.

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