Page 40 - Max Planck Society

Medical research

Sensor for blood flow discovered in blood vessels

Physical forces like blood pressure and the shear stress of flowing blood are important parameters for the tension of blood vessels. Scientists have been looking for a measurement sensor for many years that enables the translation ...


Neurons adjust their proteins during homeostatic scaling

Learning and memory formation are based on our brain's ability to adjust and regulate neuronal network activity. Neurons communicate at specialized structures known as synapses, and they are able to control the strength of ...

Oncology & Cancer

Gene fusions can lead to glioblastoma in children

Every year, about 60 children and adolescents in Germany are diagnosed with glioblastoma, a very aggressive type of brain cancer, which is still mostly untreatable. Now, scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Molecular ...

Medical research

Chronobiology—internal clocks in synch

Ludwig II of Bavaria is a particularly striking example of how differently people's internal clocks can tick. Historical sources tell us that the monarch usually carried out his government business at night and slept during ...


Hippocampus in women changes in sync with hormones

Although it has already been known for some time that the brain does not remain rigid in its structure even in adulthood, scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences made a surprising discovery: ...

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