Page 13 - Max Planck Society


COVID-19 genetic risk variant protects against HIV

The genetic variants we are born with can increase or decrease our risk of falling seriously ill with COVID-19. The major genetic risk variant for severe COVID-19, one we inherited from Neandertals, is surprisingly common. ...


People with less memory loss in old age gain more knowledge

Do cognitive abilities change together, or do they change independently of each other? An international research team from the USA, Sweden, and Germany involving the Max Planck Institute for Human Development has presented ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How the brain helps us focus our attention

How can we shift from a state of inattentiveness to one of highest attention? The locus coeruleus, literally the "blue spot," is a tiny cluster of cells at the base of the brain. As the main source of the neurotransmitter ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

The right balance against omicron

The omicron wave could possibly be less devastating than currently predicted by the most pessimistic scenarios. However, this can only succeed if a large part of the population adapts its behavior to the epidemic situation ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Rollercoaster of emotions: Exploring emotions with virtual reality

To the left and right, the landscape drifts idly by, the track in front of you. Suddenly, a fire. The tension builds. The ride reaches its highest point. Only one thing lies ahead: the abyss. Plummeting down into the depths ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The power of learning from experience

In a first study, researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and the University of the Balearic Islands analyzed the development of research on statistical reasoning from a historical perspective. In ...

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