Page 5 - Monell Chemical Senses Center


Researchers identify critical link in mammalian odor detection

Researchers at the Monell Center and collaborators have identified a protein that is critical to the ability of mammals to smell. Mice engineered to be lacking the Ggamma13 protein in their olfactory receptors were functionally ...

Medical research

Earwax: A new frontier of human odor information

Scientists from the Monell Center have used analytical organic chemistry to identify the presence of odor-producing chemical compounds in human earwax. Further, they found that the amounts of these compounds differ between ...


Sweet minty relief for cough

Millions of Americans reach for their cough drops or syrup at the first sign of a cough. However, scientists are unsure if and how these popular remedies work. Now, new findings from the Monell Center suggest that sucrose ...

Medical research

Unique sensory responses to the pediatric HIV medication Kaletra

Bad taste can lead to rejection of life-saving medicines by infants and young children, who require liquid formulations because they are unable to swallow pills yet lack the language to explain why something does not taste ...


Does good-tasting food cause weight gain?

Does eating good-tasting food make you gain weight? Despite the common perception that good-tasting food is unhealthy and causes obesity, new research from the Monell Center using a mouse model suggests that desirable taste ...


Humans can use smell to detect levels of dietary fat

New research from the Monell Center reveals humans can use the sense of smell to detect dietary fat in food. As food smell almost always is detected before taste, the findings identify one of the first sensory qualities that ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Better measures reveal more COVID-19 smell loss

Smell loss is a frequently reported symptom of COVID-19 but reports of prevalence vary from study-to-study and range from 5% to 98%. With such a wide range of estimates, it is difficult to prioritize its importance for testing ...

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