Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)


Confidence in your e-coach

Blood pressure, blood coagulation, blood sugar level, heart rate, breathing rate, galvanic skin reaction or everything at once… there is scarcely a bodily function that we cannot continuously monitor ourselves at home or ...


Who is responsible for healthy food?

Unhealthy food causes obesity, diabetes and heart problems and costs society money. But who is responsible? Consumers who overeat or use too much fat, salt and sugar? Or producers who make all of that unhealthy food and market ...


Neuroimaging could be the key to a better society

Neuroimaging techniques are a strongly emerging technology and could bring about a revolution in various areas of society, as long as we choose the direction we want to steer these developments in on time. This is one of ...


African mothers doctor themselves

In order to improve children's health care in Africa is important to find out what African mothers do when their children fall ill and what decisions they make. Mothers make a choice between regular healthcare, herbalists ...


Small-scale networks effective for monitoring new medicines

The first generation of research projects in the NWO programme Responsible Innovation, which started in 2010, are still bearing fruit. This is apparent from a recently published article in the journal Research Policy. In ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Better memory at ideal temperature

People's working memory functions better if they are working in an ambient temperature where they feel most comfortable. That is what Leiden psychologists Lorenza Colzato and Roberta Sellaro conclude after having conducted ...

Overweight & Obesity

Looking at a low-calorie recipe results in purchase of fewer snacks

(Medical Xpress)—People who are overweight purchase on average 75% fewer unhealthy snacks in the supermarket if they see a recipe card at the supermarket entrance that contains references to a slim figure. This is the conclusion ...


Running and rehabilitation improved with the right beat

Runners can best improve their performance with motivating music that has a clear and constant beat. With a stable sound rhythm the pace of runners becomes more regular and they therefore run more efficiently. NWO researcher ...

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