Page 11 - New York University


Another pandemic challenge for nurses: Sleep problems

More than half of nurses had difficulty sleeping during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic—and getting less sleep increased their odds of experiencing anxiety and depression, according to a new study led by researchers ...


Social isolation among older adults linked to having fewer teeth

Older adults who are socially isolated are more likely to have missing teeth—and to lose their teeth more quickly over time—than those with more social interaction, according to a new study of Chinese older adults led ...


Food labeling is lacking in online grocery retailers

Online food retailers do not consistently display nutrition information on their websites—and U.S. laws are lagging behind in mandating the same labeling required for foods sold in brick-and-mortar stores, according to ...

Medical economics

Quality of home health care differs in rural vs. urban settings

The quality of home health care varies by location, with rural home health care agencies initiating care more quickly while urban agencies excel in preventing hospitalizations, according to a new study by researchers at NYU ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

How do we learn to learn? New research offers an education

Cognitive training designed to focus on what's important while ignoring distractions can enhance the brain's information processing, enabling the ability to "learn to learn," finds a new study on mice.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Bilingualism comes naturally to our brains, new study shows

The brain uses a shared mechanism for combining words from a single language and for combining words from two different languages, a team of neuroscientists has discovered. Its findings indicate that language switching is ...

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