Page 6 - North Carolina State University

Medical research

'Decorated' stem cells could offer targeted heart repair

Although cardiac stem cell therapy is a promising treatment for heart attack patients, directing the cells to the site of an injury - and getting them to stay there - remains challenging. In a new pilot study using an animal ...


How long does it take to make vaccines?

In this post, we focus on how long it takes to develop and manufacture vaccines—particularly those designed to protect against COVID-19.

Psychology & Psychiatry

New personality test is faster, tougher to trick

Psychology researchers have developed a new personality test that is both faster to take and much harder to manipulate by those attempting to control the outcome.


MARCKS protein may help protect brain cells from age damage

A common protein, when produced by specialized barrier cells in the brain, could help protect the brain from damage due to aging. This protein – MARCKS – may act as both a bouncer and a housekeeping service, by helping ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

When a norovirus expert got norovirus

Knowing about one in 15 Americans gets norovirus every year, I've had the "When the NoroCORE blogger got norovirus" post waiting in the wings for a while. I think the virus has a good sense of ironic timing.


Early lead exposure affects gene expression throughout life

A team of researchers led by North Carolina State University biologists Cathrine Hoyo and Randy Jirtle have found links between lead exposure in children and epigenetic alterations in regulatory regions of genes that are ...

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