Page 13 - Northwestern University

Inflammatory disorders

'Super melanin' heals skin injuries from sunburn, chemical burns

Imagine a skin cream that heals damage occurring throughout the day when your skin is exposed to sunlight or environmental toxins. That's the potential of a synthetic, biomimetic melanin developed by scientists at Northwestern ...

Medical research

Identifying molecular culprits underlying organ rejection

Investigators have identified how the immune system can regulate organ rejection in mice, findings which may prove useful for improving transplant tolerance in humans, according to a recent study published in the Journal ...


Study discovers new subset of retinal neurons impacting vision

Investigators have discovered a new subtype of interneurons in the retina that allows the eye to see and identify objects better in both the light and in the dark, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in Nature ...

Oncology & Cancer

Combining immunotherapy and radiation in soft tissue sarcoma

Combining immunotherapy with radiation could be a promising treatment option for patients with advanced soft tissue sarcoma, according to the results of a clinical trial led by Northwestern Medicine investigators published ...

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