Page 15 - Northwestern University


Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of brain boosts memory

Stimulating a particular region in the brain via non-invasive delivery of electrical current using magnetic pulses, called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, improves memory, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study.


Re-examining antibodies' role in childhood allergies

The presence of food-specific IgA antibodies in the gut does not prevent peanut or egg allergies from developing in children, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in Science Translational Medicine.


A long childhood feeds the hungry human brain

A five-year old's brain is an energy monster. It uses twice as much glucose (the energy that fuels the brain) as that of a full-grown adult, a new study led by Northwestern University anthropologists has found.


Treatment could prevent neuropathy in diabetic patients

For the 25 percent of type-2 diabetes patients who suffer from numbness and extreme nerve pain in their feet, a new dermatological treatment being tested by Northwestern Medicine scientists could potentially help prevent ...


Niacin too dangerous for routine cholesterol therapy

After 50 years of being a mainstay cholesterol therapy, niacin should no longer be prescribed for most patients due to potential increased risk of death, dangerous side effects and no benefit in reducing heart attacks and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Heavy marijuana users have abnormal brain structure and poor memory

Teens who were heavy marijuana users—smoking it daily for about three years—had abnormal changes in their brain structures related to working memory and performed poorly on memory tasks, reports a new Northwestern Medicine ...


Graphene 'tattoo' treats cardiac arrhythmia with light

Researchers led by Northwestern University and the University of Texas at Austin (UT) have developed the first cardiac implant made from graphene, a two-dimensional super material with ultra-strong, lightweight and conductive ...

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