Page 3 - Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Autism spectrum disorders

Early autism screening has limited effect

Screening for autism at three years of age only identifies those with significant developmental delay, and not those with less severe autism. Early screening may therefore not be as beneficial as previously thought, according ...

Attention deficit disorders

ADHD diagnoses poorly documented

Many ADHD diagnoses are not well documented, according to a review of the medicals records of 549 children with an ADHD diagnosis.


Decrease in new type 2 diabetes cases in Norway

Type 2 diabetes is one of the major chronic diseases and the patient group has increased year upon year, "therefore, it is great to see the decline in the number of new cases among all the age and education groups, and among ...


Maternal iodine deficiency can affect child development

A low iodine intake among pregnant women may be associated with poor language development, reduced fine motor skills and behavioural problems when the child is three years old. These are findings from the Norwegian Mother ...

Attention deficit disorders

Most ADHD medicine used by December-born children

Children born at the end of the year are more likely to receive ADHD medication or an ADHD diagnosis than children born early in the year. This is according to a new study from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.


Why do we need large population studies?

Per Magnus, director of the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) at the NIPH, together with two researchers from the UK and Denmark, have written a commentary article in the latest issue of the prestigious journal ...

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