Page 2 - Osaka University


Chaperoning fat storage: The molecular basis of adiposity

Weight gain and weight loss are not as simple as "calories in, calories out," given that countless factors affect body weight. Now, researchers from Japan have identified a gene that may serve as a master regulator of fat ...

Medical research

Targeting autophagy to enhance memory immune responses

Memory B cells depend on autophagy for their survival, but the protein Rubicon is thought to hinder this process. Researchers from Osaka University have discovered a shorter isoform of Rubicon called RUBCN100, which enhances ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Why men are at higher risk from COVID-19

COVID-19 has had a huge global impact since the initial outbreak in 2019. Men and women show different responses to this disease, with men having a higher risk from infection. The underlying cellular basis for this difference ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Blood vessel protein found to reduce mortality in infectious disease

Pipes play an essential role in bringing water to the faucets in your home, but if one of those pipes springs a leak, damage can result. Similarly, the vascular system plays an essential role in carrying oxygen and nutrients ...

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