Plataforma SINC

Plataforma SINC, (SINC) was founded in 2007 as an open source portal for scientists, researchers and the general public to learn about top level research in the natural sciences, ecology, plant and animal life being conducted in Spain's research centers. The organization ascribes to open access principles of its content. Web content can be translated using Google Translator or comparable translation services.

C / Rosario Pino, 14-16 - 28020 Madrid, Spain 

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The brain predicts words before they are pronounced

The brain is not only able to finish the sentences of others: A study by the Basque research centre BCBL has shown for the first time that it can also anticipate an auditory stimulus and determine the phonemes and specific ...


How to increase the fat burned during exercise

During exercise, oxidation of fat and carbohydrates depends on the intensity and duration of the activity. A new study analyses the effect of consuming an alkaloid, p-synephrine, on the burning of lipids and refutes the value ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Is the human brain capable of identifying a fake smile?

Human beings follows others' state of mind From their facial expressions. "Fear, anger, sadness, and surprise are quickly displeasure inferred in this way," David Beltran Guerrero, researcher at the University of La Laguna, ...


The brain can be trained to avoid dyslexia

The ability of the brain to synchronize with the tone and intonation of speech influences how language is processed. This is the conclusion of a study by the Basque research center BCBL. The results could contribute to more ...

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Older people are doing increasingly less physical exercise

A study led by the University of Jaén reveals that people over 65 are not getting enough exercise. Experts emphasize the importance of preserving physical performance to prevent the negative consequences of aging.


Our brains synchronise during a conversation

The rhythms of brainwaves between two people having a conversation begin to synchronize, concludes a study published in Scientific Reports, led by the Basque research centre BCBL. According to scientists, this interbrain ...

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