Page 11 - Queensland University of Technology


Time to act to reduce diabetes-related foot disease

Greater investment from governments, health professionals and researchers is needed to reduce costly and common diabetes-related foot disease (DFD), QUT Principal Research Fellow Dr. Peter Lazzarini and co-authors write in ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

The 'gamification' of health: What motivates you?

Think of a game you enjoy playing, any game at all. Now imagine your boss said you were required to play this game for an hour every day. Would you still find it as fun?

Psychology & Psychiatry

Sex can make men sad, too, according to research

A world-first study by QUT researchers concludes men can and do suffer from Postcoital Dysphoria (PCD) which results in feelings of sadness, tearfulness or irritability following sex.

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Birth study empowers pregnant women

New QUT research has shed light on why some women have 'normal' births and many don't, delivering vital information to help women make more informed maternity care decisions.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Overuse of antibiotics not what the doctor ordered

With increased use of antibiotics worldwide linked to growing antibiotic resistance, a world-first study co-authored by a QUT researcher has highlighted the growing impact of non-prescription supply of antibiotics in community ...

Oncology & Cancer

Simple test to predict likely spread of rare cancer

New QUT research has shed fresh light on how head and neck cancer spreads to other organs and researchers are developing a simple blood test to tell doctors which patients are at risk of spread long before conventional imaging ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Women know what they want, men get pickier with age

Women under 40 seeking a partner online are more particular than men, especially when it comes to education, according to a QUT study into the online dating behaviour of more than 41,000 Australians.

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