Page 14 - Queensland University of Technology


A good night's sleep rests on your spine's biomechanics

A three-year study by QUT biomedical researchers in the Paediatric Spine Research Group (PSRG) aims to deepen our understanding of the concepts of comfort by using new techniques to look at how the spine reacts in different ...

Arthritis & Rheumatism

High-fat, high-carb diet a cause of osteoarthritis

Saturated fat is a prime suspect in the onset of osteoarthritis after QUT scientists found it changed the composition of cartilage, particularly in the weight-bearing joints of the hip and knee.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Online daters ignore wish list when choosing a match

Despite having a very clear 'wish list' stating their preference for potential ideal matches, most online daters contact people bearing no resemblance to the characteristics they say they want in a mate, according to QUT ...


New Year's resolutions: Have yours gone up in smoke?

It's more than halfway through February and for many those hopeful New Year's resolutions to make some positive changes have fallen by the wayside. A QUT neuroscientist may have the answer to sticking with them long-term.

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