Page 10 - Ruhr-Universitaet-Bochum

Medical research

Neurology: Early treatment is half the battle

Neurological diseases often begin with an inflammatory process and the degradation of the myelin layer, which surrounds the nerve fibers (axons) like a protective insulating layer. This is usually followed by damage to the ...


Bevacizumab may cause cognitive impairment

Glioblastoma is the most common kind of brain tumour in adults. It is a very aggressive form of cancer; patients with this diagnosis have a median post-diagnosis survival of 15 months. Especially in the US, the drug Bevacizumab ...


Switch for the regeneration of nerve cell insulation

An international research team has discovered a mechanism that regulates the regeneration of the insulating layer of neurites. This insulation coating, also referred to as the myelin sheath, is crucial for rapid signal transmission ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How the immune system reacts to hepatitis C viruses

If a virus penetrates a cell, the immune system reacts immediately and produces the signaling protein interferon. This protein activates hundreds of highly specialized defence mechanisms in all surrounding cells, which can ...


When memories age

To the brain, it makes a great difference whether we remember experiences from long ago, or if we recollect recent events. RUB neuroscientists have shown that distinct brain networks are involved.

Psychology & Psychiatry

What we see affects what we feel

Chronic back pain is reduced when people watch a real-time video of their back for a short time. Watching it also increases the effectiveness of therapies such as massage. This has been shown by studies conducted by the team ...


Switching off anxiety with light

Receptors for the messenger molecule serotonin can be modified in such a way that they can be activated by light. Together with colleagues, neuroscientists from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) report on this finding in ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why people have lateral preferences when kissing and hugging

Typically, a person will initiate a hug with the right hand. Similar preferences are also present in other forms of social touch. The question of handedness plays a role in the process. However, it is not the only relevant ...

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