Page 9 - Ruhr-Universitaet-Bochum

Psychology & Psychiatry

Fewer smartphones, more well-being, study says

We blame smartphone use for a number of negative consequences, ranging from neck pain to addictive behavior. Privat-Dozentin Dr. Julia Brailovskaia and her team set out to determine whether our lives are actually better without ...

Medical research

Equine hepatitis viruses help us understand human hepatitis C

More than 70 million people worldwide are infected with hepatitis C. The disease is treatable, but it is often not recognized. In 80% of cases, it takes chronic courses and can lead to liver damage and even liver cancer. ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Helping the body overcome SARS-CoV-2

As messenger substances, interferons stimulate various responses of immune cells and play a key role in activating the immune system. They are proven active agents against various diseases, especially type I interferon alpha ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Hepatitis E virus is highly resistant to alcohol-based disinfectants

In Germany and Europe, HEV has its natural reservoir in pigs. The infection can spread from animals to humans, which is called a zoonosis. This often happens through incompletely heated or raw meat products such as minced ...

Biomedical technology

Intensive care patients speak with their eyes

Intubated, ventilated, unable to speak: due to their condition, many critically ill patients are unable to express themselves. They can only communicate their wishes and needs, descriptions of symptoms, or pain sensations ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why people deceive themselves

A philosophy team from Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) and the University of Antwerp analyzed the role self-deception plays in everyday life and the strategies people use to deceive themselves. In the journal Philosophical ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Loneliness among emerging adults increased slightly

Emerging adults today feel lonelier than in the past—and not just since the coronavirus pandemic. This is indicated by an evaluation of studies on the loneliness of emerging adults between 1976 and 2019, conducted by a ...

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