SAGE Publications

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Advances made against the deadly infection complication, sepsis

Sepsis is an inflammatory response to infection that's known to develop in hospital settings and can turn deadly when it's not discovered early on. In a new study, a hospital surveillance program focusing on reducing the ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Pump up the music—especially the bass—to make you feel powerful

It's the day of the big game – before heading out to the field, you put on your headphones and blast some music to pump you up. The music seemingly empowers you to do great things. This effect is not all in your head – ...


How can we help manage eating disorders?

These guidelines are for the clinical management of eating disorders They are intended to provide current evidence based guidance on the assessment and treatment of people with eating disorders by psychiatrists and other ...


Are the benefits of breast milk stimulant worth the risk?

Most women can make all the milk their baby needs, but some mothers turn to medications to help increase their supply. While some specialists encourage the off-label use of domperidone to stimulate breast milk production, ...


Women under-represented in academic medicine

Women are under-represented in academic medicine resulting in a waste of public investment due to loss of research talent. Writing in the July issue of the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, authors of an essay on ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Study calls for improved mental health support

A government scheme to support the mental health of people affected by terrorist attacks needs to provide a better system of immediate psychological help, according to research led by the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre ...

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