Sanford-Burnham Prebys Medical Discover Institute

Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute conducts world-class collaborative research dedicated to finding cures for human disease, improving quality of life, educating and training the next-generation of scientists, and thus creating a legacy for its employees, partners, donors, and community.


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Oncology & Cancer

Scientists identify promising new melanoma drug

A new drug discovered by scientists at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute (SBP) may show promise for treating skin cancers that are resistant or unresponsive to today's leading therapies.

Oncology & Cancer

'Big Data' used to identify new cancer driver genes

In a collaborative study led by Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute (SBP), researchers have combined two publicly available 'omics' databases to create a new catalogue of 'cancer drivers'. Cancer drivers are ...

Oncology & Cancer

A dietary sugar that may prevent melanoma from metastasizing

New research from scientists at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute (SBP) suggests that a rare sugar found in seaweed, mushrooms, seeds and other foods may be able to help treat skin cancer. The sugar, called ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Using 'big data' to combat influenza

An international team of academic and pharmaceutical scientists have tapped into publically available large-scale 'Omics' databases to identify new targets to treat influenza—the virus that causes annual epidemics and occasional ...


Failing hearts use alternative fuel for energy

More than 5 million people in the United States suffer from heart failure, according to the American Heart Association. Less than half of those with heart failure live five years after diagnosis.