Page 3 - Science in Public


The molecular heart of celiac disease revealed

Australian, US and Dutch researchers have determined the molecular details of the interaction between the immune system and gluten that triggers celiac disease. Their work opens the way to potential treatments and diagnostics.

Oncology & Cancer

The genetics of healthy ageing and cancer

We're living longer. That means that we're all at greater risk of cancer and we'll all suffer from bone loss. And for many of us, our final years will be difficult.


Speech, not tones, produces better hearing test

It's taken 70 years to invent a better hearing test. That's how long we've been using the classic 'beep' audiology test, first developed to assess returned soldiers from WW2.


Watching assassin cells at work

L'Oréal Fellow Misty Jenkins and her colleagues at the Peter Mac have a paper published on Sunday that reveals how our immune cells kill damaged damaged, virus-infected or cancerous cells taking between one and two minutes ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Hope for Hep C cure no excuse for risk-taking, expert warns

Exciting early indications of a cure for Hepatitis C do not mean we should become complacent about the risks of contracting the debilitating disease, a leading Australian researcher warns.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Worms reveal link between dementia gene and ageing

The discovery of a link between a specific gene and ageing in a species of worm could reveal valuable lessons for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.


Mixing drugs and alcohol for better asthma inhalers

(Medical Xpress)—Asthma inhalers could soon become much more effective, thanks to a clever new way of making the particles they deliver invented by a Melbourne chemical engineer and his team.

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