Page 5 - Simon Fraser University


New app designed to 'hook' together users' digital lives

SFU adjunct professor Luc Beaudoin has created strategies for better sleep and improving memory function. His latest venture tackles another cognitive efficiency of sorts—connecting everything we do online. He has launched ...


Researchers find new clues to controlling HIV

The immune system is the body's best defense in fighting diseases like HIV and cancer. Now, an international team of researchers is harnessing the immune system to reveal new clues that may help in efforts to produce an HIV ...

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Study finds air purifiers may benefit fetal growth

A new study led by SFU health sciences researchers Prabjit Barn and Ryan Allen reveals fetal growth may improve if pregnant women use portable air purifiers inside their homes.


Exercise may decrease heart drug's effectiveness

Peter Ruben and his team of researchers have spent years studying why seemingly healthy patients with inherited cardiac arrhythmias can sometimes suddenly die during exercise. (2017, 2016, 2015) His past research has shown ...

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