Page 5 - South Dakota State University


Researcher examines effect of marital strain on caregivers

Caring for a chronically ill family member can impact the caregiver's physical, biological and mental health, according to assistant professor SunWoo Kang of the South Dakota State University counseling and human development ...


Balancing out concussions

There are lots of ways to diagnose concussions in athletes injured on the field.


Examining existing gaps in food insecurity research

About 10% of the United States population experiences some level of food insecurity each year, but little research has been conducted on the key details. What groups of people are most likely to experience food insecurity? ...

Oncology & Cancer

Software for new cancer screening method

Women may one day have a more accurate, less expensive means of detecting breast cancer, thanks in part to software developed by two South Dakota State University computer science professors.

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