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Psychology & Psychiatry

What makes a happy working mom?

A happy working mom feels competent in interacting with her child, experiences a sense of freedom and choice in her actions, while having a warm and affectionate relationship with her baby. She is also not too hard on herself ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Recurring nightmares could reflect your daily frustrations

People who are frustrated because their basic psychological needs for autonomy, relatedness and feeling competent are not met are more likely to have a recurring bad dream and to analyze their dreams negatively. This is according ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A fear of getting dumped kills romance and commitment

Can the fear of a relationship ending actually lessen love and cause a break-up? If yes, how does it happen? These were the questions that Simona Sciara and Giuseppe Pantaleo of the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in ...

Oncology & Cancer

Use of Prostate Health Index test reduces unnecessary biopsies

The Prostate Health Index (phi) is a cost-effective tool used by urologists to detect prostate cancer. It reduces the risk of over diagnosis, and cuts down on the need to send men for unnecessary and often uncomfortable biopsies. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Why are minorities underrepresented in genetic cancer studies?

Socio-cultural and clinical factors as well as healthcare processes were important drivers of a woman's willingness to provide saliva specimens for future cancer research. This is according to Vanessa B. Sheppard of Virginia ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

More time on social media is not linked to poor mental health

There has so far been no evidence supporting the view that the amount of time spent on social media affects mental health in young people, says Chloe Berryman of the University of Central Florida in the US. She is the lead ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why arched backs are attractive

Researchers have provided scientific evidence for what lap dancers and those who twerk probably have known all along - men are captivated by the arched back of a woman. A team led by Farid Pazhoohi of the University of Minho ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

What characteristics do school shooters share?

Boys involved in school shootings often struggle to live up to what they perceive as their school's ideals surrounding masculinity. When socially shunned at school, they develop deep-set grudges against their classmates and ...

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