Page 4 - Temple University


Scientists eliminate HIV-1 from genome of human T-Cells

A specialized gene editing system designed by scientists at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University is paving the way to an eventual cure for patients infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. In a study ...


Common antidepressant may hold the key to heart failure reversal

A team led by researchers at Temple University School of Medicine (TUSM) found that a commonly prescribed antidepressant restored heart function in mice with heart failure, a finding that could lead to clinical trials for ...

Medical research

Breakthrough could lead to new treatment for heart attack

The stop and start of blood flow to the heart during and after a heart attack causes severe damage to heart cells, reducing their capacity to function and potentially causing their death. But a recent study led by researchers ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Spatial skills may be improved through training, new review finds

Spatial skills--those involved with reading maps and assembling furniture--can be improved if you work at it, that's according to a new look at the studies on this topic by researchers at Northwestern University and Temple.

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