Page 11 - The North American Menopause Society


Hot flashes impair memory performance

If you're having difficulty identifying the right word to express yourself clearly or remembering a story correctly, you may blame menopause. A new study suggests that physiologic hot flashes are associated with decreased ...


Getting a good night's sleep complicated by menopause

The value of a good night's sleep can't be underestimated. Unfortunately, sleep complaints are common during the menopause transition. A new study from Canada compared sleep quality, sleep duration, and sleep disorders between ...


Perimenopause often signals beginning of sexual dysfunction

For some women, sex becomes less satisfying with age, with a pronounced decline during perimenopause. A new study indicates that sexual dysfunction increases by nearly 30% during perimenopause, and vaginal dryness most often ...


Women with HIV at increased risk of early onset menopause

Thanks to medical advancements, HIV-positive women now have a longer life expectancy, exposing them to numerous midlife health issues such as menopause. A new study demonstrates that women with HIV are more likely to enter ...


Hormone therapy associated with improved cognition

Estrogen has a significant role in overall brain health and cognitive function. That's why so many studies focused on the prevention of cognitive decline consider the effect of reduced estrogen levels during the menopause ...


Sexual trauma common in postmenopausal women veterans

Thanks to increased media attention, sexual assaults occurring in the military are finally getting the attention they deserve. However, most reports involve reproductive-aged women Veterans from recent service eras. A new ...

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