Page 3 - The Research Council of Norway

Medical research

When bone-eating cells gain the upper hand

Advanced osteoporosis is often the most severe sequela, or resulting condition, of plasma cell cancer (multiple myeloma). Abnormally functioning stem cells are a key causal factor.


When morning sickness lasts all day

Almost all women experience some nausea or vomiting when pregnant. Approximately one out of every hundred suffers from acute nausea during pregnancy (hyperemesis gravidarum) and may need hospital treatment to restore hydration, ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cured of cancer but in poor health

The majority of people afflicted with cancer now recover with treatment. Many of these, however, subsequently experience new health problems due to the cancer and/or the treatment. Norwegian researchers want to find out why.


Few regular users of strong painkillers: Norwegian study

Each year roughly 10 per cent of the Norwegian population are given a prescription for opioids. Until recently, the number of these who can be considered regular users of such medications was unknown.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Genetic component to chronic back pain

(Medical Xpress) -- Why do some people recover quickly from lower back pain while others suffer for much longer periods? Genetics may play a role.

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