Page 11 - Tohoku University

Oncology & Cancer

ASK the enzyme: New potential targets for cancer

New understandings of how molecules affect the activity of an enzyme could lead to potential targets for the treatment of cancers and neurodegenerative diseases.


MicroRNAs shown to improve hyperglycemia

A study by Japan's Tokohu University researchers has identified two new types of microRNA (miRNA) that improved hyperglycemia in a mouse model of diabetes by stimulating the proliferation of insulin-producing pancreatic beta ...


Acute breakdown of the glial network in epilepsy

Tohoku University scientists and their colleagues in Germany have revealed that a first-time exposure to only a brief period of brain hyperactivity resulted in an acute breakdown of the inter-cellular network of glial cells. ...

Oncology & Cancer

Inadequacies in current early-stage lung cancer treatment revealed

Researchers from Tohoku University and Tohoku University Hospital have revealed why some existing cancer treatments are ineffective in tackling the early-stages of lung cancer. A team led by Professor Tetsuya Kodama investigated ...


Researchers explore role of CHAMP1 gene in neuronal development

Intellectual disability affects roughly 2–3% of the world's population. Scientists understand the genes related to intellectual disability, but how the mutations of these genes cause this developmental disorder remains ...

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