Page 5 - Tohoku University

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Treating dementia with the healing waves of sound

Ultrasound waves applied to the whole brain improve cognitive dysfunction in mice with conditions simulating vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease. The research, conducted by scientists at Tohoku University in Japan, ...

Oncology & Cancer

A peek into lymph nodes

The vast majority of cancer deaths occur due to the spread of cancer from one organ to another, which can happen either through the blood or the lymphatic system. However, it can be tricky to detect this early enough. Researchers ...


Sounding out high blood pressure in diabetics

Blood pressure can significantly drop by applying 20 minutes of ultrasound to the forearm of type II diabetes patients with treatment-resistant hypertension, according to research from Japan's Tohoku University.

Oncology & Cancer

Bringing the 'sticky' back to pancreatic cancer

A multidisciplinary team of researchers at Japan's Tohoku University has found that a gene regulator, called BACH1, facilitates the spread of pancreatic cancer to other parts of the body. The scientists, who published their ...

Oncology & Cancer

Cancer cells impair blood flow in metastatic lymph nodes

If not caught quickly, cancer cells often spread to other organs in a process called metastasis. Lymph nodes (LNs) are the organs with the highest risk of metastasis. Metastasis in the LNs also influences cancer staging and ...

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