Page 5 - University at Albany

Obstetrics & gynaecology

Study uncovers how 'good cholesterol' levels may influence pregnancy

(Medical Xpress)—University at Albany epidemiologist Michael Bloom and three fellow researchers have released a study on how the "good cholesterol" may play a role within the ovarian follicle in pre-programming an egg for ...


Study finds acute ischemic stroke (AIS) outcomes vary by race

(Medical Xpress)—Older white patients in the U.S. have the highest rate of mortality from certain types of stroke among all racial and ethnic groups, a study by health researchers at the University at Albany finds.


Elevated mercury, cadmium block in-vitro pregnancy

(Medical Xpress) -- A new University at Albany study finds background exposure to levels of mercury and cadmium commonly found in the environment may significantly interfere with early pregnancy through in-vitro fertilization ...

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