University College London

University College London (UCL) was founded in 1826 and is a constituent college of the University of London. Today, UCL has over 21,600 undergraduate and graduate students. UCL is a member of the Russell Group of Universities and a part of the elite G-5 sub-group of universities in the U.K. It is a part of the Golden Triangle. UCL is most noted for its Clinical Medicine ranked 1st (exclusive of North America), Neuroscience & Behavior ranked 1st (exclusive of North America) and 2nd world-wide, Immunology ranked 2nd in Europe and Pharmacology & Toxicology 1st (exclusive of North America) and fourth world-wide. Agricultural Sciences research at UCL is advancing to the forefront world-wide, according to recent ranking panels.

University College London - Gower Street - London - WC1E 6BT

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AI model to improve clinical trial recruitment for eye disease

A new artificial intelligence (AI) system that could significantly reduce the time and cost required to recruit clinical trial patients for an advanced form of age-related vision loss has been developed by a team led by UCL ...

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Blood test could predict Parkinson's seven years before symptoms

A team of researchers, led by scientists at UCL and University Medical Center Goettingen, has developed a simple blood test that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to predict Parkinson's up to seven years before the onset ...

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