Page 11 - University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry

Oncology & Cancer

Making (sound) waves in the fight against cancer

Each year, thousands of Canadian men with prostate cancer undergo biopsies to help their doctors better understand the progression and nature of their disease. It provides vital, sometimes life-saving information, yet cancer ...

Oncology & Cancer

The calling card of aggressive thyroid cancer

A new discovery from University of Alberta scientists represents an important milestone in the fight against thyroid cancer. In a study published in EBioMedicine and recently presented at the American Thyroid Association ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists aim to slow fast growth of cancer cells

The fight against cancer is a marathon, fought step by step, inch by inch. While breakthroughs may be rare, a new study from the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry is giving greater insight into the growth of cancer cells and ...


Maintaining a healthy heart through bile acids

Groundbreaking research from the University of Alberta and McGill University has opened the door towards the future prevention of cardiac fibrosis—a condition leading to heart failure for which there is currently no treatment.


Prenatal fruit consumption boosts babies' cognitive development

(Edmonton, AB) Most people have heard the old adage "an apple a day keeps the doctor away." It's an old truth that encompasses more than just apples—eating fruit in general is well known to reduce risk for a wide variety ...

Inflammatory disorders

Helping asthma patients breathe easier

The possibility of a future without asthma is what really inspires renowned allergist Harissios Vliagoftis. In his role as the newly appointed GSK-CIHR Chair in Airway Inflammation, Vliagoftis aims to help make this possibility ...

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