Page 8 - University of Arizona

Psychology & Psychiatry

Faking emotions at work does more harm than good

The adage "Fake it until you make it"—the idea that someone can fake a positive attitude to elicit real-life benefits—often backfires when used with co-workers, according to a study led by a University of Arizona researcher.


Blue light can help heal mild traumatic brain injury

Early morning blue light exposure therapy can aid the healing process of people impact by mild traumatic brain injury, according to new research from the University of Arizona.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Why your first battle with flu matters most

How successfully a person can fend off the flu depends not only on the virus' notorious ability to change with the season, but also on the strain first encountered during childhood, according to new research published in ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Study shows novel protein plays role in bacterial vaginosis

Women with bacterial vaginosis exhibit elevated levels of the pro-inflammatory protein, IL-36y, according to a new collaborative study led by the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Learning is optimized when we fail 15% of the time

To learn new things, we must sometimes fail. But what's the right amount of failure? New research led by the University of Arizona proposes a mathematical answer to that question.

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