Page 11 - University of Basel


Stress hormones promote breast cancer metastasis

It has long been thought that stress contributes to cancer progression. Scientists from the University of Basel and the University Hospital of Basel have deciphered the molecular mechanisms linking breast cancer metastasis ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Psychiatry: Case notes indicate impending seclusion

Using notes made by the attending healthcare professionals about psychiatric patients enables impending coercive measures to be predicted in advance—potentially even through automated text analysis. This was reported by ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Live better with attainable goals

Those who set realistic goals can hope for a higher level of well-being. The key for later satisfaction is whether their life goals are seen as attainable and what they mean to the person, as psychologists from the University ...

Oncology & Cancer

The role of immune cells in the formation of metastases

Tumor cells use a certain type of immune cell, so-called neutrophils, to enhance their ability to form metastases. Scientists from the University of Basel and the University Hospital of Basel have deciphered the mechanisms ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Even psychological placebos have an effect

Placebo effects do not only occur in medical treatment—placebos can also work when psychological effects are attributed to them. Psychologists from the University of Basel reported these findings in the journal Scientific ...


Engineered T cells promote long-term organ transplant acceptance

Organ transplant rejection is a major problem in transplantation medicine. Suppressing the immune system to prevent organ rejection, however, opens the door to life-threatening infections. Researchers at the University of ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers identify drug against the formation of metastasis

The most deadly aspect of breast cancer is metastasis, cancer cells spreading throughout the body. Researchers at the University and the University Hospital of Basel have now discovered a substance that suppresses the formation ...

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