University of Bergen


Vitamin D reduces mortality

A normal intake of vitamin D can reduce the risk of death substantially in people with cardiovascular disease, a Norwegian study shows.

Oncology & Cancer

Overweight before age 40 increases cancer risk

In an international study, lead by the University of Bergen, the researchers wanted to find out how adult overweight (BMI over 25) and obesity (BMI over 30) increase the risk of different types of cancer.

Medical research

Collecting sperm from COVID-19 patients

How does COVID-19 affect sperm and thus the next generationĀ“s immune system? Researchers from the University of Bergen are collecting sperm to find the answer.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Videogame addiction linked to ADHD

Young and single men are at risk of being addicted to video games. The addiction indicates an escape from ADHD and psychiatric disorder.


Annual influenza vaccination does not prevent natural immunity

Earlier studies have suggested that having repeated annual influenza vaccination can prevent natural immunity to the virus, and potentially increase the susceptibility to influenza illness in the event of a pandemic, or when ...

Oncology & Cancer

Exploring why obesity might lead to cancer

Cancer is caused by genetic changes that break down normal constraints on cell growth. It is known that obesity and being overweight increases the risk of developing cancer, but the question until now has been why? Now, researchers ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

New brain-test app

Two years ago, researcher Josef Bless was listening to music on his phone when he suddenly had an idea.

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