Page 5 - University of Connecticut


Researchers find that youthful proteins help nerves regrow

Damaged nerves of the brain, eye, and spinal cord cannot grow back. But specific gene therapies might be able to change this, leading to treatments for paralysis and other forms of nerve damage, UConn Health researchers report ...


Study finds users prefer daily oral PrEP pill despite new options

When PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), a drug that prevents HIV infection, was first approved by the FDA in 2012, it was a medical breakthrough that promised to drastically reduce HIV transmission. Traditionally, PrEP is administered ...

Biomedical technology

Bioengineers test biodegradable bandage for treating chronic wounds

Chronic skin wounds that never heal can be disfiguring and painful. In the journal Biomaterials, University of Connecticut bioengineers describe a special scaffold for new skin that also kills bacteria. Their invention has ...

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